A fund raiser to help Stockton-area charities raffles off tickets to the Super Bowl with help from Alex Spanos’ family. (Friday, Dec. 5, 2014) News10. At every Super Bowl, you can be certain there’s a dozen or so people from the Stockton area.
That’s because they took part in the annual raffle of Super Bowl tickets in Stockton, tickets donated by the family of Alex Spanos so agencies like the St. Mary’s Dining Room can raise much-needed funds.
“This year we’re looking to raise about $50,000 from the event, which will help us provide meals in our dining room, that’s about 14,000 meals per year, ” St. Mary’s Director Edward Figueroa said.
Spanos is the owner of the San Diego Chargers. For years, the Spanos Family has donated the game tickets and $2,000 in cash to give to people who win the raffle.
“We just really believe that’s part of our responsibility in the community,” Spanos’ daughter Dea Berberian said. “We should do these things and we don’t want to forget we can help to make a difference.”
The Super Bowl raffle is run by the Community Foundation of San Joaquin. The drawing to determine the this year’s winners happens on Dec.11. You can enter the drawing at cfosj.org. Read more…